Monday, December 22, 2008

What are you faced with

What are you faced with?
I believe that people are really feeling the pinch during these trying economic times. Add that to this a time of the year where we are asked to be the most generous and you can see why a person would become reclusive, reserved and reticent. The million dollar question (no pun intended) is not are you faced with difficulties, but how will you respond to them.

The children of Israel were faced with similar trials, they had recently been released from Egypt and were in route to meet with a person simply known as "I am that I am" and He directed them to encamp at the Red Sea. Pharaoh deciding that this freedom was more than the Egyptian economy could bare and began to tail, track and trail his former possession until he could overtake them and return them to bondage. As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up and saw them— the Egyptians! Coming at them! They were totally afraid. They cried out in terror to God. They told Moses “Weren’t the cemeteries large enough in Egypt so that you had to take us out here in the wilderness to die? What have you done to us, taking us out of Egypt? Back in Egypt didn’t we tell you this would happen? Didn’t we tell you ‘Leave us alone here in Egypt—we’re better off as slaves in Egypt than as corpses in the wilderness.’ ” (Exodus 14:10-12 The Message Bible) The scriptures states that the people began to complain and murmur and confront Moses about how he had brought them out to this place to die and to add insult to injury that they would not even receive a decent burial. They were faced with drowning on one side and bondage or death on the other. Which way should they face? Which way will you face?

I believe that God allows difficulties to pursue us and overtake us so that we are required to make a decision, to make a choice. Now let me be clear, the reason they found themselves at this place was because the Lord led them there. And if God leads us to a place; God desires to be glorified from that place. When faced with the decision to trust or not trust, to be faithful or faithless, to believe or not to believe the choice must be clear, succinct and unwavering. We must be willing to proclaim I will trust you Lord, I will have faith in you Lord, I will believe you Lord no matter the circumstance or situation.

Although you may not be literally stuck between Pharaoh and the Sea we all at times find ourselves between the proverbial rock and a hard place. During those times of difficult decisions, life changing decisions that we face, we must turn towards His Face and believe that if He brought me to it He will bring me through it, just like He did the children of Israel.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Many Faces…

I grew up in Clarkston, MI in a comfortable house, on an acre of land surrounded by fields and woods, with happily married parents and a big brother. Clarkston, at the time, was predominately Caucasian, middle class families with a picket fence feel. I knew of a homeless guy. Those of you that have lived in Oakland County might remember him~Indian Joe. There were many rumors about Indian Joe. Many believed that he was actually a man from a wealthy family and had just lost his mind. People were not afraid of Joe; I think I remember hearing stories of my mom offering him a ride once. One homeless man, that's all I knew. When people mentioned "The City", I thought of Detroit and became scared. I thought of the Cass Corridor, drug dealers, gang-bangers, prostitutes, predators; the lepers of society. I am almost ashamed of my ignorance growing up. It wasn't until I was in my 20's that God opened my eyes and my heart to His people in need and that I began to find compassion and understanding.

You see, over the last year, I have seen so many different faces come through our building. Those that needed the honest help and those that didn't. We had a man come to us that had lost his place down south and moved north to be closer to family. He was in his late 70's early 80's. When we went through his belongings for check in, we found a large kitchen knife that he kept close for protection because he was so scared of the streets. There was a desperate man that called us because he could not find a place for him and his 12 year old troubled son. After I made many, many phone calls, I realized he was telling the truth….there was no place for them. We allowed them to stay in a secured room away from the general population so that they could concentrate on each other and their immediate future. We have had many severely disabled men; both physically and mentally, stay in our shelter. We have served countless veterans. Men that have served our country, have been to war and are now victims of their own thoughts and held down by the clutches of the streets. Sure, we have those stereotypical homeless men but don't be closed minded. Homelessness has many faces. There are far more men looking for hope and help than there are men just looking for a handout.

I am beginning to understand. I am beginning to understand God's vast love for people. I am beginning to understand unconditional love. I am beginning to understand what it means to be more like Jesus. And in this understanding….I realize I have so much more to learn.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Pressure Busts Pipes

This is an exciting time for the church to do great things. The country is sliding further and further down the road of economic uncertainty, we have wars on two continents and acts terrorism everywhere. Marriages, both Christian and secular are failing at over 50%. It is during times of extreme pressure that great things come forth.

One day I received a call from a frantic My Brothers Keeper employee that the sanctuary and the basement were flooding due to a busted pipe. If you are from up north you know that with a sudden change of weather it does not take long fore a pipe to rupture. Running to the facility I contacted a plumber who told me to find the shut off valve for that area of pipe, after much wading and wandering I was able to shut the water off to that portion of the facility. Two ideas gushed to the forefront after we were able to assess the situation.

The first was that many of use wish we could just turn off the problems of our life like I did the shut off valve. The problem with simply cutting the problem off is that you never deal with the reality of the situation. How did I get here? What did I do to bring this on? Is this due to sin in my life? If not, what is God trying to get out of me in this midst of the trials and tribulations? In the Message Bible the Word of God states “That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” (Rom. 8:28) God plan eventually produces good in the life of those He loves.

Secondly, I was amazed at the size of the hole in the pipe once the plumber came to fix it. How could such a small break in the pipe cause so much water to come out of it? I learned that it was not the size of the leak that was the hindrance, although it plays a part, but the enormous amount of pressure from the water that created the havoc. I was told as a young boy that ‘pressure busts pipes’. Somehow we have to deal with the pressure if we are to stop the leak from destroying our character, our integrity, our Christian witness.

So you may ask how do we deal with the pressures of life when the leaks come (and they will come), call your plumber and let Him not only shut off the pressure, but fix the pipe so that His church brings forth great things in the midst of difficulty!!!

Blessings & Shalom
Pastor Patrick

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby, It’s Cold Outside…

Wow. Honestly, could it have been any colder yesterday?? I had some real troopers out there in the cold!! 19 degrees outside and they were still smiling!!

This is one of our crews standing out at Patsy Lou's car dealership. You guys are awesome. (Head-banging boys and all!) To the church ladies standing outside of Family Video…..thank you for being gentle with Joe. He never would have thought that church ladies could be so much fun! And to the faithful fellas…..thank you. I know you would do anything to help and God will bless you for it. Deborah, Joe and Tryphena…..thank you for going with my crazy ideas and smiling the entire way. Thanks for putting in overtime. (I'll add it into your holiday bonus~wink, wink)

Thankful for friends,


Friday, December 5, 2008


Thank you so much for stopping in and checking out our new blog! We are so excited to be able to share with you all the things that are going on down here at MBK. God is so good and merciful to us!!

Tomorrow (Dec. 6th) we are having our first annual Gathering Grub Food Drive. We have been working like crazy on signs and publicity and are hoping for a great turn out. We are accepting all foods, including wild game meats. Listed below is our drop sites if you are wanting to participate:

My Brothers Keeper
Grand Traverse & Kersley
Flint, MI

Family Video
Saginaw & Hill Rd
Grand Blanc, Mi

Woodside Church
Court St by Mott Community College
Flint, MI

Faith Tabernacle
1225 S Center Rd (Right off of I-69)
Flint, MI

Come see us anytime between 10-2pm!! Looking forward to seeing you!!

If you have any further questions, please call 810-234-1163.

For HIS Kingdom,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Doing the Greater Good...

But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' Luke 10:33-35 NIV

A simple classroom lesson that was taught to me in Sunday school so many years ago that has made such an impact on my life. As much as I would like to be just like the good Samaritan I often find myself being more like the "other" guys. As the holiday season approaches and the new year will soon begin, I am already contemplating and planning how I will change my life to do the greater good. To Serve the Almighty in a new way. Show His love to others.

Times are difficult for everyone right now. And as difficult as we have it, there are always others that are less fortunate…that have less to survive with. Because of the economy, we are expecting a larger influx of individuals seeking assistance this winter. And frankly, we are asking you to search your hearts to find a way to help our Free Methodist mission, My Brother's Keeper. Please ask yourselves, your congregation, your youth groups, your Girl Scout/ Boy Scout groups, what can I do to help those that have nothing? Here are several areas that we need assistance in:

Financial: Please consider us for your end of year donations. For $17 a day, we can provide food, clothing, shelter, basic needs and support. We recently discovered that we will not be receiving one of our annual grants and really need your assistance in this area.

Items: Hygiene products (travel size preferred), men's shoes and clothing, canned goods, perishable food items, women and children's clothing, office supplies and equipment. We would gladly accept wild game meats.

Experience: We need your experience. The special gifts that God has given you. We are looking for people to help in every area; shelter assistance, fundraising assistance, mentoring, cooking, lunch program assistance, organizing, cleaning, etc. We believe in the ministry of presence.

As always, I will close with an exciting story. Several months ago, the Veteran Affairs contacted us about a gentleman that was in need of assistance and a place to stay. He was employed but after a bout with facial cancer, he found himself in hardship. When he first came to us, he was perfectly clear that he was not sure that this "God-thing" was for him. So, we didn't push him but we handled it in the best way we knew how…..we started praying for him. We prayed for him when his girlfriend of many years died in her sleep. We prayed for him. And not only did leadership pray for him, his fellow house mates did as well. Pastor Patrick recently told me that he is beginning to reach out and ask questions about salvation and about God's mercy and grace. Sure, he still has a ways to go, but he is seeking. I am so excited to be able to be part of his first baby steps. I will continue to pray for this man, and all the men, for that matter. When you say your daily prayers, would you please remember him too?

Jesus asked the expert in the law, "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise." Luke 10: 36-37